Notice Board of NAFSCOB held on 26-11-2024 and resumed on 28-11-2024 in Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi.| Joint Opening Ceremony: NAFSCOB Diamond Jubilee Celebration & ICBA Events held at 05.00 pm on 26th November 2024 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi| Draft Model Bye-Laws for SCBs (both Three Tier and Two Tier) and DCCBs are uploaded in NAFSCOB website|


The National Federation of State Co-operative Banks Ltd. (NAFSCOB), was established on 19th May 1964 with a view to facilitate the operations of State and Central Co-operative Banks in general and Development of Co-operative Credit in particular.

The Federation functions with two of its wings, Viz.:

  • Planning, Research and Development (PRD).
  • Computer Services Division (CSD).









Diamond Jubilee

Integrity Thinking of Building

Provide a common forum to the member banks to examine the problems of cooperative credit, banking and allied matters and evolve suitable strategies to deal with them. Promote and protect the interests of the member banks in all spheres of their activities and to give expression to the view of the member banks. Co-ordinate and liaison with Government of India, Reserve Bank of India, respective State Governments, NABARD and other higher financing institutions for the development of cooperative credit on behalf of the member banks. - Provide research and consultancy inputs to the member banks in order to facilitate them to strengthen their own organisations. Organize conferences/seminars /workshops /programmers/meetings to share the views of common interest with view to contribute for better policy decisions.
